Tuesday, January 14, 2014

DAY 14: Conversation with a Miracle

They say it's going to work.

This time.  These medicines.  These treatments.  This routine, every six hours, for the next few weeks and weeks, until... it works.  It will.

They told me what to do: which medicines, and when.  They showed me how to insert the tubes and use the needles.  They told me what I'd see if things were wrong.  And if nothing changes, it probably means nothing's wrong, so keep going.
And I accept all this, although I know they don't know anything about how this will turn out.  Because what we are trying to do has never happened before.

People have gotten sick, and then well, before.  People have been born sick, and then cured, before.
People have won the lottery before.  They've been struck by lightning, and lived, and struck again, and lived.  They've been orphaned, grown up and gotten married, found their long-lost twin, with a spouse
with the same first name as their own.

People get sick, and died.  People get sick, and take years to die.  People get sick, then better, before the sickness takes them for good.  Nobody has walked away from this sickness.  No drug, no treatment, no regimen or diet, no transplant or transfusion has carried anyone far away enough from this inevitable death.

This has never happened before.
But neither have you.

You have never happened before.  And there is nothing I can point to, no reason I can offer, that you are more likely or deserving.  But I believe it will happen.  Someone will be the first.  And if that's what it takes, I will do everything in my power for you to be that one.

inspired by Discover Magazine article "Drug Cocktail Cures HIV-Positive Baby"

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