Sunday, February 2, 2014

DAY 32: The Pussy Cat Lounge

Mike led Howie through the door of the Pussy Cat Cafe.  They were greeted by red lights, dry ice, and Bob Seger's "Strut"... not much else.  "Geez, Mike, I thought the parking lot was empty."
"It's 2 pm!  Everybody's at work.  The girls working this shift'll be desperate for tips; might get a 2-for-1 deal - but it's all about you!"
"Then can we get out of here?"
"Not so fast, man!  Once we step out that door, we're back on the bridezilla bus.  I know my sister, and she has every minute of your life planned out, from here, until death do you part!  Not after the 'i do' - now!  Don't do that to yourself!  Head over to the bar, and I'll find the... 'maiter-dee'."

Howie brushed some hair off a bar stool, and perused the drink selections. A feline on the fluffy side sauntered over, planting herself to Howie's left, and stared him down.  "Well, hello there, kitty.  Are you gonna take my order?"
Imogene emerged from behind the bar.  She adjusted her scarf and smiled a matronly smile.  "What would you like, sugar?"
"Um... what's good?"
"Beer's a good start while you make up your mind.  Destiny likes you."
"Destiny?"  Howie looked again at the cat beside him.  Destiny purred back.
"She's mixed Persian."  Imogene opened a bottle for Howie.  "You can pet her if you like.  She wants you to."
Howie felt something rub against his leg; a dark-coated shorthair was befriending him.  He attempted to ignore it.  "When does the next show start?"
"Oh, Candy'll be on stage as soon as she hears her song."
"Is there anybody else here?"
Imogene stroked Destiny's coat.  "Just me and the girls."
"My brother-in-law-to-be made a bigger deal about this place - I'm sorry, you're very nice, ma'am, I think he was talking about twenty years ago."
"Oh!  Well, maybe he saw me dance.  I was Laura Lynn then; those were fun days.  And then I retired, with nothing to show for it.   But- surprise, surprise! - I came upon some money, and I got to turn the lights on again."
Imogene's ears perked up as the opening riff to "Round and Round" began to blare through the speakers.  "There's Candy!  Right on time..."  A striped tabby was onstage, slinking into the spotlight.  She circled the perimeter, planted herself down, and raised a leg to lick herself clean, for the entire room to see.
Mike ran up to the bar.  "I'm sorry, dude, I couldn't find anybody.  I went up to the lounge area, and all I found was granola all over the floor...  Laura Lynn?"


At the rehearsal, Emma and Howie took their position at the altar, while the minister directed traffic.  "Howie, you're not mad that the bridesmaids want me to do some party thing tonight?  I don't want you worrying or getting jealous tonight."
"Honey, I don't want a party.  I want to be up here for real already.  You have fun, okay?"
"Oh... I love you!"  Emma hugged him -and then stopped, to pull a long silver strand off of his shoulder. "Howie, where did you get this hair?"

inspired by Discover Magazine article, "Conquering Cat Allergy"

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