Sunday, February 16, 2014

DAY 44: Ray's Story (more than a little Emo...)

I met Ray at the waiting room of an urgent care clinic.  I asked him what he was there for, which started this tale:

"I was an only kid growing up, just me, my mom and dad.  Saturdays, you got my mom in the kitchen, my dad in the garage, and me in a beach towel for a cape, trying to get somebody to play with me.  I say, 'Daddy! Daddy! Play with me!' He says, 'I will, I will, here's some candy, go find your mother.'  I run to the kitchen- 'Mommy! Mommy!  Play with me!'  She says 'I will, I will, have a cookie, go find your father.'  Run back to the garage- 'Daddy! Daddy! Play with me!'  He says, 'We are, we are, grab a licorice, bug your mother.'  Back in the kitchen 'Mommy! Mommy!', another cookie, 'go to father.'  To the garage, out the door, I trip on my cape- boop! on my nose...  Dad comes out of the garage, helps me to my feet, checks me out, and yells to the house, '15-love!  Coming at ya!'

"...and that is why I have diabetes."

inspired by Discover Magazine article, "The Secret Origins of Cosmic Rays".  and Emo Phillips.

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