Saturday, February 8, 2014

DAY 36: My Problem with 3D Glasses

Roger Ebert was right; there's something about the light in a movie theater that wakes up your brain in a certain way.  I can fall asleep in front of a TV because those rays - cathode, plasma, whatever science you got - hit the brain like a narcotic.  Watching TV is sleepwalking through life.  But movies.are the kind of drug that makes me feel alive.

So one Saturday I checked out a movie in 3D that had no business being in 3D.  (If I mention its name, I'll just tangent, so let's move on...)  On my way to the trash receptacles, I was disparaging the $15 I was never going to get back.  As I approached the doors, I saw the bin with the sign "PLEASE RETURN YOUR VIEWING GLASSES HERE" in big letters.  I decided it had picked the wrong day to ask for my cooperation, especially in such big letters.  I stepped out the building with the glasses on, giving up on the ticket price, but determined to milk $5 of adventure out of those $2 glasses.
I looked up at the sky; a bit more purple, but nothing particularly new.  I waved my hands in front of my face, hoping the motion of my fingers would look different somehow, hoping that some secret from naked eyes would be revealed.  I scanned the pedestrians streaming in and out of the theater, looking for incognito aliens or monsters among us.
A granny honked at me; I was standing between her and a right turn into a parking space.  Surprised and dazed, I backed from her bumper and wandered into the path of another oncoming vehicle.   Their horn knocked me to the ground, and the glasses off my face.  I opened my eyes to the sight of truck treads six inches from my face; the shards of my $5 glasses, under the tire.

I got my $5 worth.

inspired by Discover Magazine article, "Ultralight Headgear for Mouse Remote Control"

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